Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Qualified to be sent: Faust

"It is important that you have oil in your lamps so that when you say to the Lord, "Here am I; send me," you are prepared and qualified to be sent. We are all heaven sent, but what we are able to accomplish in the Lord's work depends to a large extent on our willingness and ability."
--James E. Faust, "You Are All Heaven Sent", Ensign, Nov. 2002, 110

To do well: Sorensen

"To do well does not mean everything will always turn out well. The key is to remember that faith and obedience are still the answers, even when things go wrong, perhaps especially when things go wrong."
--David E. Sorensen, "Faith Is the Answer," Ensign, May 2005, 72

What Is A Friend? Ashton

"A friend is a possession we earn, not a gift. ....The Lord has declared that those who serve him and keep his commandments are called his servants. After they have been tested and tried and are found faithful and true in all things, they are called no longer servants, but friends. His friends are the ones he will take into his kingdom and with whom he will associate in an eternal inheritance."
--Marvin J. Ashton, "What Is a Friend?", Ensign, Jan. 1973, 41